External USB storage for games: no systems error
Hi everyone, I've a raspberry pi3 b+ with recalbox 6.0 and i decided to use an external usb Hard disk to store all my games and saves. I followed the guide https://github.com/recalbox/recalbox-os/wiki/Use-an-external-usb-storage-device-on-recalbox-(EN) but, when I try to copy games on the hard disk via network or directly from my PC with USB and start recalbox, a message says that there are no systems or game.
Can someone explain this? Thank You!
Apologies if this isn't exactly what you asked :
I inserted my usb drive in the Pi, switched it on, and when it booted up, I simply went into the settings and changed game storage to external, shut the Pi down and put the drive in my PC to copy the files over.
On your PC, if you do the usual "Windows key & E" to load up explorer, you will then see a folder on your drive called Recalbox, and inside that all the usual folders.
Just chuck your bios files in the usual folder there, and ditto with the game files.And that's it!
Recalbox does not share usb, however there is a fix:
https://github.com/recalbox/recalbox-os/wiki/[4.1.0]-Sharing-a-external-usb-hard-drive-on-samba-network -
Sorry but It doesn't work
@melomitru can you describe what directories you have on your usb hard drive ?