I put my Bios file in the directory '(USB Drive)/Bios' When I load a game it says no bios detected. The game runs fine without no issues but it says i will get better compatibility if I have a bios installed. Am I putting it in the right place or does it go in a different folder or something?
Where do i put the PSX bios file?
I put my Bios file in the directory '(USB Drive)/Bios' When I load a game it says no bios detected. The game runs fine without no issues but it says i will get better compatibility if I have a bios installed. Am I putting it in the right place or does it go in a different folder or something?
@cp You put it in the right place, but you have to respect the exact file name, upper and lower case included. The BIOS must also be the right one, with the correct MD5
Sorry ima a noob. How do i know if its the right one?
@cp "with the correct MD5" there are a lot of documentation, including the wiki and readme.txt in bios or rom folders, please at least make the effort to read it.
and Google is your friend is you don't know what a MD5 is -
look video tutorial : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ssfBSAURXr8&list=PL2oNQ0AT7fx2ExiSNrfHUzga5GnogI4sh&index=18
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