25 Nov 2019, 09:02

Hello everyone,

Thank you for you work @fagnerpc ! As a designer I have to say this is a clean job 🙂
I am pretty new to the Recalbox world (my dad & mom builded me a ready-to-play bartop), so i'm actualy quite lost with all of this.

The V.6 is working great, but the V.6.1 doesn't. When I select it from the menu, the loading screen never end... What I did :

  • Downloading your theme
  • Uncompressing it
  • Uploading the theme folder to my recalbox theme folder (with FTP SSH)
  • Selecting the theme on my recalbox menu
  • Waiting for the installation... but it never end (i waited more than 5min)

What can I do ? Maybe I have the wrong update of Recalbox... ?

If you need some help for designing new theme, this would be a pleasure to help !

See ya, and thanks again !