I'm back :)
Sorry it's been a while. Currently loving 3.3.0 (beta) which has some amazing features which really puts distance between REcalbox and the competition! More emulation support, web interface, PS3 controller works in Kodi (cheers), LiRC support, Bluetooth keyboard support, the list goes on. Very very impressed. This means I better get my backside in gear and work on my themes again. Hopefully I'll have 720p and 1080p themes available soon. I'll keep you posted.
Welcome back !
Welcome "home"
For those of you testing with 3.3.0. https://www.mediafire.com/folder/99jdvb847t7n9/Recalbox-3.3.0 Still work in progress but here is the 720p theme for the new emulators. Lots of tweaks required. If anyone has any .sh scripts they think I should add in the applications section please let me know. For those on 2.9 https://www.mediafire.com/folder/ypp92a26q516k/Recalbox Please be aware of memory limitations especially if you like the 1080p version!