There seems to be some people who want the beta ready as a christmas gift.
So here is what I did to get everything scraped nice and shiny:
By the way I used the latest Beta Image on a Pi 3B + (Most N64 seems to run quite good-ish)
Get access to your recalbox via a FTP Tool (I used Cyberduck on a Mac) (French but you get the clue)
Search for the Recalbox/Share/Roms folder and go to your system of choice.
if not already there copy your roms to the folder
restart your recalbox (or in this case only the emulationstation)
now scrape your system as usual (start > scraper > scrape now….) maybe only select one system at a time to keep track.
go back to your FTP, maybe reload. You will see there is now a folder (if it wansnt there already) called downloaded_images with all the images for the games in it.
The problem is the gamelist.xml is missing which tells the system where to find the images and the other game info. Or it might be there and doesnt include the right data.
What you have to do now is to generate this xml file on your PC or Mac
Credit to
But i did some things a bit different. Keep in mind I did this on a Mac. For PC this might be a bit different.
Download the Binary of sselph scraper
Make a Folder on your Desktop (name is not important but I call it ’dude’ for the hack of it) put the same roms in there as you put on the recalbox
Copy the ‘scraper’ unix file from the sselph download in the same ’dude’ folder (I think its an .exe on PC)
open Terminal type in ’cd’ and then a space and then you drag the ’dude’ folder also in the terminal. Now there should be ’cd the/exact/path/tothefolder/dude - press enter
now you are in the folder but you need the path again so drag the ’dude’ folder path again in the terminal followed by (without a space)
/scraper -image_path="./downloaded_images/" -img_format=png -console_src=„gdb“
press enter and wait.
What you should get is again a folder with nice boxart in it and boy oh boy a nice little gamelist.xml file
Now ignore the images and just copy the xml file via FTP into the system Folder you are working on, right there between all the roms. (not in the image Folder)
Restart Recalbox
now you should have all the Infos and the pretty little Boxart in it.
Additional what you can do if you dont like the recalbox tryptich style of Images with Screenshot-Box-Logo you can experiment with downloading other Boxart with the sselph on your computer and replace the pngs in the downloaded_image folder. I used just screenshots I downloaded as follows. Replace the code line above with this
/scraper -image_path="./downloaded_images/" -img_format=png -console_src="ss" -max_width 800 -console_img="s"
Other codes you can use to personalize your scraping are listed here:
Under Command Line Flags
Hope that helps
Marry Christmas