@roman126 I'm really trying to stay polite there but fanck you very much for not mentioning that in the two day and a half I helped you and also no even bothering to read the recalbox documentation about amiga.
Amiga Issues on latest build
@substring had no problem dowloading it but there is absolutely nothing, nada, walou in es_launch_stderr.log and es_launch_stdout.log, how is that possible ?
@voljega @Substring Going to try again, just a question regarding the WHDL Folders, I`m not using unzipped LHA WHDLfolders, but WHDL folders that contain a slave file, and data folder, etc. I assume this is the correct 'type' of WHDL folder?
Filenames are crucial i`m guessing for these to work, if the UAE file and the WHDL folder name are the same is that O.K, or do the contents of the WHDL folder have to have the same name?
For example
Apidya.uae - Folder name Apidya
But in the Apidya folder the slave file is called ApidyaKaiko.slave
Should the UAE, Folder & the contents have the same filename? They didnt have to in Retropie as long as the folder name and UAE were the same, but who wants to use Retropie -
@roman126 no only folder and uae file needs to be the same name
when you launch a game do you have at least access to the GUI ? (pressing start on your controller or F12 on keyboard)
@voljega nope, sadly not. Just black screen with no Amiberry GUI on pressing F12, etc.
I have to goto Recalbox Manager on my PC, go to Roms and restart ES, to get back.
Is it particular with the type of UAE file?
Just tried 6 sets of WHDL & UAE or so that worked no issues on Retropie
@roman126 f**k you mean your uae are retropie's one and not empty ?
@voljega does this mean we are getting somewhere? embarrassed emoji
so just a empty file with the same filename.uae
Just tried it and it worked...........OMG
Sorry for all the hassle guys, i didnt realise the UAE files were specific to platforms & that a blank one was all that was needed for Recalbox, i`ll never get that time back!!!
@roman126 I'm really trying to stay polite there but fanck you very much for not mentioning that in the two day and a half I helped you and also no even bothering to read the recalbox documentation about amiga.
@voljega i did read the documentation, but it wasnt clear about a blank / empty UAE file, just mentioned UAE file.......apologies. But you solved my problem ! so thank you, and sorry for wasting your time.
@roman126 yeah not clear at all and only mentioned UAE file, of course
Usage :
You need an .uae file at the same level than the folder with the same name, two solutions :
Create an empty one
Use a custom one wich will allow you to tweak configuration of the emulator (see next paragraph) -
@voljega yeah, I thought the one I was using was a custom one