Mame is forcing Player 2 to use Player 1 controls
Hi All,
I have Recalbox release 17.12.02 installed on a PI3 with Xin-Mo (18 pin) controller, using a joystick and 6 butons for P1 and the same for P2..
Both controller appears to be working, but I have a problem that Mame appears to be defaulting to the P1 inputs even when P2 is playing.
For instance in Galaxians I have the P2 LEFT input set as "d or RetroPad2 Left", but when it is P2's turn they are forced to use the P1 controls.
I have noticed that if I use the Dip Switch settings to set the Cabinet type to "C**ktail" rather than "Upright" it will let me use the P2 controls for P2.
Any help or suggestions on how to enable the 2 sets of controls in Upright mode would be appreciated.
Hi again
I think I have figured out the problem for myself.
By pure chance (and the fact that I was looking at the older 1979-1981 games), each of the Mame ROMs I tried while setting up Recalbox only ever had a single set of controls.
Although the TAB menu includes and allows modification of P2 controls these are only for use when the DIP switch settings are for a C**ktail cabinet.
Looks like on earlier games I have to live with using a single set of controls!