I tried to compile Recalbox,but......................?
Hi, this is not really a problem. These files have not been modified on github since the 3.2.8 version, so you have a false version information. https://github.com/digitalLumberjack/recalbox-buildroot/blob/unified/board/recalbox/fsoverlay/recalbox/recalbox.version https://github.com/digitalLumberjack/recalbox-buildroot/blob/unified/board/recalbox/fsoverlay/recalbox/recalbox.msg But if you have compiled recalbox from the github, you have the last version.
but ,Had i really b*mped to 3.18.8 kernel ? how to fix it ? change recalbox.version to 3.2.11 ? or keep it still ?
this information is just used by ES to display the version number. But you are not really in 3.2.8. If you build from the github, you are in 3.3.0 alpha and your kernel must be 3.19.3-v7 (uname -r in ssh to check). You have news systems from alpha, new configgen etc... You can update online from ES to the last alpha version.
that is to say i need to update kernel to 3.19.3-v7 ,Am i right ?
how ?
my linux package name is linux-108e489c19d92800dfc7f04ec93f57468ffff751.tar.gz is it right ? i take this on https://github.com/digitalLumberjack/recalbox-buildroot/commit/a74a9e3d93edacc7f465a03ac07bc8e7e47b8d2b