[QUOTE]If you contribute to a project, and you are unhappy, you talk about it or try to resolve problems[/QUOTE]
What if the others don't want to talk about it and have a totally different opinion, so that the problems could not be solved?
Is it not legit then, to walk apart and go a different way on your own?
[QUOTE]What he did, he stealed the ownership and produced it under own name[/QUOTE]
Did LibreElec stole the ownership of OpenElec?
Did LibreOffice stole the ownership of OpenOffice?
[QUOTE]I worked in this, so I know the guys[/QUOTE]
Ok, i do not know any of the developers personally (neither from Recalbox nor of Bxxxxxxx) and i also do not know, what happened exactly (why excatly did it come to a dispute? Why was it not possible anymore, to agree with each other, so that one of the developers did not want to continue working for Recalbox and founded this fork?).
So i do not judge anyone. But i find it really sad.
And in my opinion it is a "kindergarden"-behaviour.
I still hope, that the developers from both systems will agree and get along with each other, so that we users can have the best of both worlds (some things are better in Recalbox and others work better with Bxxxxxx)