Solved Syncing saves
@minze you should add a command launch in python script
@voljega Yeah, I figured out at midnight, the thing is that right now I think that I wasn't able to execute-it.
this is my code for the .sh:#!/bin/bash rclone sync gdmedia:rpi /recalbox/share/saves/ echo finished
and this is for my
[...] def main(args):'./') playersControllers = dict() if not args.demo: [...]
what am I doing wrong?
PS: As soon as I fix that I'll make a tutorial, because there is no one yet on how to sync files with drive/dropbox/etc
@minze well first your script should be launched after the emulator was launched, you some to launch it before
also I personnaly use os.popen to launch command :
os.popen('cp -R '+whdFilespath+'/* '+mountPointWHDL)
you can also look into utils/ and for something a little more complicated, but perfectly tweakable.
and keep your modifications backed up because all of that can be erased at each update
@voljega Well that was an script to see if it worked because it produces changes easy to see.
And the script should be launched everytime a game is ran right? at least that's what I thought.
Should I modify the script like that?
edit:(I've modified the .sh to have an start argument)if __name__ == '__main__': signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) pa**er = argpa**e.ArgumentPa**er(description='emulator-launcher script') pa**er.add_argument("-p1index", help="player1 controller index", type=int, required=False) pa**er.add_argument("-p1guid", help="player1 controller SDL2 guid", type=str, required=False) pa**er.add_argument("-p1name", help="player1 controller name", type=str, required=False) pa**er.add_argument("-p1devicepath", help="player1 controller device", type=str, required=False) pa**er.add_argument("-p1nbaxes", help="player1 controller number of axes", type=str, required=False) pa**er.add_argument("-p2index", help="player2 controller index", type=int, required=False) pa**er.add_argument("-p2guid", help="player2 controller SDL2 guid", type=str, required=False) pa**er.add_argument("-p2name", help="player2 controller name", type=str, required=False) pa**er.add_argument("-p2devicepath", help="player2 controller device", type=str, required=False) pa**er.add_argument("-p2nbaxes", help="player2 controller number of axes", type=str, required=False) pa**er.add_argument("-p3index", help="player3 controller index", type=int, required=False) pa**er.add_argument("-p3guid", help="player3 controller SDL2 guid", type=str, required=False) pa**er.add_argument("-p3name", help="player3 controller name", type=str, required=False) pa**er.add_argument("-p3devicepath", help="player3 controller device", type=str, required=False) pa**er.add_argument("-p3nbaxes", help="player3 controller number of axes", type=str, required=False) pa**er.add_argument("-p4index", help="player4 controller index", type=int, required=False) pa**er.add_argument("-p4guid", help="player4 controller SDL2 guid", type=str, required=False) pa**er.add_argument("-p4name", help="player4 controller name", type=str, required=False) pa**er.add_argument("-p4devicepath", help="player4 controller device", type=str, required=False) pa**er.add_argument("-p4nbaxes", help="player4 controller number of axes", type=str, required=False) pa**er.add_argument("-p5index", help="player5 controller index", type=int, required=False) pa**er.add_argument("-p5guid", help="player5 controller SDL2 guid", type=str, required=False) pa**er.add_argument("-p5name", help="player5 controller name", type=str, required=False) pa**er.add_argument("-p5devicepath", help="player5 controller device", type=str, required=False) pa**er.add_argument("-p5nbaxes", help="player5 controller number of axes", type=str, required=False) pa**er.add_argument("-system", help="select the system to launch", type=str, required=True) pa**er.add_argument("-rom", help="rom absolute path", type=str, required=True) pa**er.add_argument("-emulator", help="force emulator", type=str, required=False) pa**er.add_argument("-core", help="force emulator core", type=str, required=False) pa**er.add_argument("-ratio", help="force game ratio", type=str, required=False) pa**er.add_argument("-demo", help="mode demo", type=bool, required=False) pa**er.add_argument("-netplay", help="host/client", type=str, required=False) args = pa****e_args() command = './ start' os.popen(command) exitcode = main(args) time.sleep(1) exit(exitcode)
@minze there no way you're in the right folder when launching the script so either try to use the absolute path or move to it before launching it
@voljega Ooh, I thought that as I that script was in the same folder that the py, I could use that, yeah it makes sense that it doesn't make sense. Thanks
i'll try it as soon as I arrive home.
Cool hope it works
@minze said in Syncing saves:
PS: As soon as I fix that I'll make a tutorial, because there is no one yet on how to sync files with drive/dropbox/etc
You can also work on official integration, because this is a feature that users regularly ask for
@voljega Yeah, I'll take a look at it too
@minze your script is anyway launched before the emulator, i thought you wanted it right after ?
@substring Yeah I want to execute the script:
- On start, once wifi is enabled.
- When any game is launched.
- if possible, when any game is closed