Wireless XBOX controller will not get detected.
@paradadf said in Wireless XBOX controller will not get detected.:
@elgur get a dongle.
And then? I got one.
@elgur is it xbox 360 or xbox one ?
@voljega Xbox 360.
@elgur hmmm should work out of the box then, are you sure they are synchronised with the dongle and not with your consoled or another dongle ?
also do you use official image ?
I confirm the pc usb Xbox360 dongle is working out of the box for me (except default keys, I had to remap)
Same probleme here the circle always turn and not synchronized
(Ihave a generic dongle)
For wireless Xbox 360 controllers you need a Wireless USB-Receiver especially for Xbox 360 Controllers (because it does not work over Bluetooth)
You can use the official from Microsoft (expensive) or cheap no-names (like this for example: https://www.amazon.com/Generic-Wireless-Gaming-Receiver-Xbox/dp/B01JC68MHU/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1522150751&sr=8-5&keywords=xbox+wireless+receiver&dpID=41yLAnR2urL&preST=SY300_QL70&dpSrc=srch) -
@joinski here's your shortened official link http://a.co/c0Q1xh2
so I don't why my generic receiver don't work at all
can you test, if your generic receiver works with a windows pc? when it does not work on a windows pc also, then maybe the receiver and/or the controller is not compatible or malfunctional. -
@joinski yes, I didn't test it on PC.
I will do that for start !
Ok that's working, but the circle don't stop.
hard if if it s synchronized or not.
I've the same problem.
This manual ( https://github.com/recalbox/recalbox-os/wiki/Manual-(DE) ) say's, that I've to enable "controllers.xboxdrv.enabled" ... but i don't have this option (on version 18.03.30).
Thanks for all your answers!