Back to ES with HDMI TiMING
I guess I'm confused. I want all my emulators to boot using
hdmi_timings 1600 1 70 150 215 240 1 4 4 15 0 0 0 60 0 32000000 1And then boot back to ES using
hdmi_timings 320 1 0 30 50 240 1 6 1 18 0 0 0 60 0 6400000 1In stead of acting like I know what I'm doing I'll just ask,
How do I accomplish this?Thanks!!
@wadehavens create your main hdmi timing in the config.txt as usual.
For es, edit recalbox.conf and set
tohdmi_timing blablabla
. Also set global.videomode euther auto (if it's lentionned in the recalbox.conf) or default. You can also set some videomode per cinsole if you wish -
Ok, I did exactly what you said to do and it didn't work. It boots to the resolution I want but stays in that resolution after it returns to ES.