Recalbox Emulationstation version for Windows for theme development?
I wonder if some Windows compilation of the Recalbox version of EmulationStation exist. I wan't to develop some themes but found tedious to reload ES everytime I make a change throught ssh or web.
If not, there's any way to run ES on recalbox on debug mode and refresh it with a key like in windows version?.
Thanks for your time.
@themadcore impossible to compile for Win but you can try under Linux.
I create my themes with a build made on ubuntu 16.04 -
@supernature2k maybe I can try to run a vm with Ubuntu and try to compile it there. I didn't think that until you came with your response. Thanks!
A VM with the only resources needed to run ES on ubunty can be light, so maybe I can work well with it.
@themadcore that's what I do under VirtualBox, works well