Hello Recalbox devs and users. I have a potential config.txt change that may benefit the project.
I have noticed white noise coming from my sound system with Recalbox for awhile now. I don't hear it when game music or sounds is playing, but I DO hear it when gameplay goes silent. I thought maybe the issue was my shodding electrically work and soldering in my amplifier and have mostly written it off......
BUT, it turns out that I'm not the only one to experience this problem. See Link (https://github.com/raspberrypi/firmware/issues/380) Turns out that this is a known issue. By simply putting "disable_audio_dither=1" into your /boot/config.txt file, it seems to solve this problem.
I would like some feed back from the Recalbox devs and some users about making this change default in the Recalbox project's /boot/config.txt file. The best way to test this is to fire up a quiet game like "Super Mario Land" for the gameboy and listen for the white noise. Then make the config.txt change, and compare. Seems 100% cured of white noise.