5 Jan 2018, 17:59

hy guys i made a small python-script, which i want to share with you.

it's called "createCue" and is a command-line tool, which does:

  • Automatically or manually generate a cue-File for every PS1 Game-Image

  • Backup your current cue-Files

  • The script will override your cue-Files, so make sure you have a backup of your current files.

The script will create a cue file like this:

0_1515173473199_cue File Sample.PNG

If you have multiple Audio Tracks in your Game-Binary or multiple Game-CDs, you will still need a custom cue-File, in this case the Script will not work for you !

Here a overview what it looks like:

0_1515174174153_createCue overview.PNG

How can you use it:

  • Make a backup of your current cue-Files or let the script do it for you.

  • Download the script (tar-file) from the Link below

  • Copy the tar-file to your recalbox ( Path: /recalbox/share/system)

  • Connect to your recalbox by ssh or local.

  • go to the home-directory ( Path: /recalbox/share/system)

  • Unpack the tar-file: tar -xvf createCue.tar

  • Run the script: ./createCue.py

Download Link Script