10 Jun 2015, 06:24
How can i enable the N64 emulator on the old Pi (B+) ? As i could figure out everything ist already there.
How can i enable the N64 emulator on the old Pi (B+) ? As i could figure out everything ist already there.
It's there. You just need to add a rom to the share for it to show up. Also consider over clocking or it will be terrible
Where do I find the right directory? If i connect through smb windows network, there isn´t an n64 folder.
Share/roms/n64 or share/bios/roms/n64 i can't remember now, but what about to do copy+paste with the rom? just insert the microSd in your pc and do it, it's easier than smb
Pi 1 does not support N64 if I remember correctly...