Suggestion. Avoid custom splashvideos to be removed with newer updates
I would like to suggest to avoid the overwrite of custom splash intro videos with every update. I'm not a fan of the default one and even it's too noisy I would like to keep mine.
@kelv Our splashscreen is a part of the project's identity.
So we will not help rebranders in their work that don't respect our job.If you don't like the current video splashscreen, you can suggest a new one integrating the recalbox logo, and Royalty-free music.
If you are developer you can suggest too an option to manage sound during this splashscreen. -
hello @rockaddicted
Concerning the video volume. Yes I'm a computer Science engineer and i used to a developer. Per your suggestion, I downloaded the source code from git and I was doing reverse engineering. I see that the logic lives in S02Splash located at etc/init.d. I see that there is no volume switch either omxplayer nor ffplay. Adding the switch " --vol -yourvalue" to the line omx_opt="--adev both --no-keys --layer=10000 --aspect-mode=fill" will help to increase or reduce the volume (that's for rpis for other systems it's in another code block as it uses ffplay and the switch has to be -volume) . A new menu item in ES could be developed to read that switch and modify it.
Concerning the video. I'm quite surprised about the answer (btw I didn't want to be mean) However Recalbox project enables and leverages the community to modify the theme but it seems that doesn't enable us to modify the video. I'm sorry but I don't understand.
Concerning avoid deleting the video. Checking how recalbox deploys when it is installed or updated, it's needed a script to avoid smashing custom videos for checking the video size and date and if it's different than the default one, do not smash it.
BTW If I want to contribute to the project, how can I do it? My Cpp knowledge is quite rusty and I'm better C# and Java developer. I also see that there is a lot of Python that I have no knowledge but I can learn.
BTW, This is the code snippet of the file.
#code snippet code
do_omx_start ()
# odroid xu4 has not omxplayer, make it run this code make it flash
if [[ ! -f $video || ! -f /usr/bin/omxplayer ]]; then
fi# Initialize dbus session OMXPLAYER_DBUS_ADDR="/tmp/omxplayerdbus.root" OMXPLAYER_DBUS_PID="/tmp/" exec 5> "$OMXPLAYER_DBUS_ADDR" exec 6> "$OMXPLAYER_DBUS_PID" dbus-daemon --fork --print-address 5 --print-pid 6 --session until [ -s "$OMXPLAYER_DBUS_ADDR" ]; do echo "waiting for dbus address to appear" >&2 sleep .2 done DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=`cat $OMXPLAYER_DBUS_ADDR` DBUS_SESSION_BUS_PID=`cat $OMXPLAYER_DBUS_PID` export DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS export DBUS_SESSION_BUS_PID # Launch the video omx_fnt="--font=/usr/share/fonts/dejavu/DejaVuSans-BoldOblique.ttf" omx_opt="--adev both --no-keys --layer=10000 --aspect-mode=fill" omx_srt="--no-ghost-box --lines=1 --align=left $omx_fnt --font-size=20 --subtitles=/recalbox/system/resources/splash/" /usr/bin/omxplayer.bin $omx_opt $omx_srt $video & PID=$! -
@kelv said in Suggestion. Avoid custom splashvideos to be removed with newer updates:
Concerning the video. I'm quite surprised about the answer (btw I didn't want to be mean) However Recalbox project enables and leverages the community to modify the theme but it seems that doesn't enable us to modify the video. I'm sorry but I don't understand.
Most people modifying the video or before that, the splash screen do it to resell illegally Recalbox under their own brand.
This is why modifying the video in any way has no official support by the team. -
THX @voljega that makes sense.
The way wanted to do is using the volume setting defined by users in recalbox.conf file.
But, during the video splash screen init, by S02Splash, share partition is not mounted.
So we can't access to the volume settings defined by user in/recalbox/share/recalbox.conf
First thing to do should be to delay the splash init after the /boot partition mount and manage this setting using/boot/recalbox-boot.conf
That is something to check once our upgrading system will be b*mped.
If we move init scripts order, that will be the chaos... -
@rockaddicted uff. I think is better to keep it as is
@kelv i didn't anderstand your code language, but i definitly like it ^^