Solved Problema wifi (no conecta, cambia la contraseña)
Thanks a lot, it works!!! thanks!!!
@doctorkronos you are welcome.
But when i try to use kodi, it appears like connected but youtube says "youtube error, check the log for more information" and i can not add repositories, it says "couldn´t connect to network server". It is like connection does nor work but in system says connected to internet... sorry for the inconvenience
hummm to test your conection:
on sshping
did you try to scrape some games ? -
@rockaddicted a few of minutes after connection works. But i am the million problems man
i try tu open games of NESor GBA and does not work, appears a white screen and no more. The same roms and bios works ok in a raspberry. I tried a N64 game and it works. But other plataforms get white screen. Help me please! thanks!
- if it is neccessary
@doctorkronos Hi, I gived a turn around in the FAQ 4.1 FR, but didn't have time to translate it yet.
You can check and use google translate if you want to give a try.I'll translate it in english, later this day. But don't have time for now.
@rockaddicted do not worry, i try to translate and i say if i solve, thanks!!!
@doctorkronos so, any news about the last point ?
need some help ? -
@rockaddicted I could translate and solve it making the modification that appears in the fr faq. Thanks one more time!