Solved Disabling startup sound in 4.1 unstable?
The startup screen on 4.1 comes with some pretty nice sound effect, however it's (probably) set to 100% volume and sometimes pretty annoying when I startup the raspberry in my cabinet while e.g. being on the phone. Can this sound be set to a lower volume or even be disabled?
Well.. I did not find a customizable solution for it, but I got the tip, that this is the splash screen video. I removed the sound from the video file and uploaded it back into Recalbox. Problem solved, startup sequence is silent now
Well.. I did not find a customizable solution for it, but I got the tip, that this is the splash screen video. I removed the sound from the video file and uploaded it back into Recalbox. Problem solved, startup sequence is silent now
where is the video ?
I know this topic is 2 months old but I figured I'd supply an easy answer in case someone else comes looking.
First you need to remount the system to be writable:
mount -o remount, rw /The file you are looking for is located here:
cd /recalbox/system/resources/splashYou can use ffmpeg to strip the audio out:
ffmpeg -i recalboxintro.mp4 -c copy -an recalboxintro-nosound.mp4Then you can rename the original in case you ever want it back and replace it with the new one with the sound stripped out:
mv recalboxintro.mp4 recalboxintro-orig.mp4
mv recalboxintro-nosound.mp4 recalboxintro.mp4 -
@srelysian This worked out for me. So thank you for answering it, even after 2 months!
you can also lower the sound with:
ffmpeg -i recalboxintro.mp4 -vcodec copy -strict -2 -af "volume=-15dB" outputfile.mp4 -
I'm new to this stuff. Where do I put in these commands? That intro sound is way too loud!
Awesome, thanks! that was definitely way too loud