[RESOLVED] Can't get SF3:Third Strike Working!
Or any CPS3 game for that matter (like MvC2). Do i need a special version of the rom? I am using FBA:Libretro.
you need to have the chd folder for sf3.
do i also put the SF3 rom in there? Can you just give me an example of the directory structure?
You would have two files. You would have the rom file and the chd folder. They both have to be in the rom folder for fba-libretro.
Hi, you can also download the no-cd version, that works like a charm.
Hi, Retroboy I've tried everything: the chd file, versions "no cd" that I do wrong, we must change the rom? or only download it and add it enough? you can help a little. The issue does not seem easy. thanks, greetings
planetemu.net rom fb-alpha sfiii3-2 Just stuck the zipped file in the finalburnalphalibretro folder and it works. This is using a Raspberry Pi 2. ADMIN EDIT : for legal purpose, i don't want direct links to roms site on the forum...
Yeah!!! That made the trick for me!!! I just couldn't make any CPS 3 rom I downloaded run in FbaLibretro... I think Retroboy needs to put a readme.txt file inside the fbalibretro folder with instructions.
Where is the "FbaLibreto" file? , I can´t find it Solved , locate and confirm ,/recalbox/share/roms thanks
So resolved
Good game !
I got this working on FBALibretro, but not on Mame.
@Frosty, it's normal that doesn't work on mame. Only fba libretro support cps3 game.
hi, i put the rom (download of coolrom and emuparadise) and .CHD at FBA libreto and not work.... I try with more roms (europe, japan, no cd) I ve got the bios Neogeo.zip at the same folder rom/fba libreto any idea?? Thanks