Solved Help request - Enabling xboxdrv driver breaks Recalbox steam link
Hi there,
So everything is working well except for the infuriating flashing on my wireless x360 controller.
I followed and rebooted and the controller is now not flashing the player connection leds, unfortunately this breaks the steam link within Recalbox. There is no output, only a transition to black screen and back to emulationstation.
If I F4 out of the frontend, go in as root, and start the frontend I get the following output (sorry for potato quality):*ms/dd410/Voxson5/random/20170119_080431.jpegMoonlight from command line works fine.
Any advice on a fix? I would much prefer to NOT have the d**n flashing on the controller, but I do not want to have to command line moonlight either
*edit - reverting the recalbox.conf fixes the emulationstation steam launcher
@Voxson easy peasy : reconfigure your controller in ES with xboxdrv on
This is due to an update in the configuration elements we store concerning controllers since 4.0. Some pads auto configuration have been upgraded to reflect this improvement, but not some others.
So, reconfigure the pad in ES (remember to follow the SNES button mapping, not the XBox button mapping) and it should be fine
@Substring Thank you! Worked like a charm