ROM specific controller config
Is there any way to create a ROM specific controller configuration? I want to keep the default config for the core but use a modified configuration for a couple individual games. I can remap the controls in game but when I exit it doesn't save the settings. I have tried turning the "autosave upon exit" on but it doesn't seem to matter. Thanks,
I'm looking for that too, Chad... MAME is my priority target. Let´s wait!
For Mame it will be possible in 4.1 For other systems, it's not possible for the moment and totally uneeded imho.
Awesome I will be looking forward to it. Agree MAME is the only reason. Easy to nitpick since everything else is working great!
Of course I forgot the other arcade systems for wich it would also be usefull (fba, fba_libretro) but maybe it's already possible for those ones, I don't know.
Hello a solution for fba libretro and core compatibles. You must use Save Game Remap Option to create mapping for a game. Unfortunately this option is not available for all cores, it is absent include core mame 2003, but is expected by the team libretro. This option create a file
/ recalbox/share/system/.config/retroarch/remap/system/name_game.rmp
inputs containing information for each player: EXEMPLE 1943KAI sous FBA LIBRETRO : /recalbox/share/system/.config/retroarch/remap/FBA Alpha/1943kai.rmp IN GAME : USER 1 FIRE Y AND BOMB B I Prefer FIRE B BOMB Ainput_player1_b = "8" input_player1_y = "0" input_player1_select = "2" input_player1_start = "3" input_player1_up = "4" input_player1_down = "5" input_player1_left = "6" input_player1_right = "7" input_player1_a = "8" input_player1_x = "9" input_player1_l = "10" input_player1_r = "11" input_player1_l2 = "12" input_player1_r2 = "13" input_player1_l3 = "14" input_player1_r3 = "15" input_player1_l_x = "0" input_player1_l_y = "1" input_player1_r_x = "2" input_player1_r_y = "3" input_player2_b = "0" input_player2_y = "1" input_player2_select = "2" input_player2_start = "3" input_player2_up = "4" input_player2_down = "5" input_player2_left = "6" input_player2_right = "7" input_player2_a = "8" input_player2_x = "9" input_player2_l = "10" input_player2_r = "11" input_player2_l2 = "12" input_player2_r2 = "13" input_player2_l3 = "14" input_player2_r3 = "15" input_player2_l_x = "0" input_player2_l_y = "1" input_player2_r_x = "2" input_player2_r_y = "3" input_player3_b = "0" input_player3_y = "1" input_player3_select = "2" input_player3_start = "3" input_player3_up = "4" input_player3_down = "5" input_player3_left = "6" input_player3_right = "7" input_player3_a = "8" input_player3_x = "9" input_player3_l = "10" input_player3_r = "11" input_player3_l2 = "12" input_player3_r2 = "13" input_player3_l3 = "14" input_player3_r3 = "15" input_player3_l_x = "0" input_player3_l_y = "1" input_player3_r_x = "2" input_player3_r_y = "3" input_player4_b = "0" input_player4_y = "1" input_player4_select = "2" input_player4_start = "3" input_player4_up = "4" input_player4_down = "5" input_player4_left = "6" input_player4_right = "7" input_player4_a = "8" input_player4_x = "9" input_player4_l = "10" input_player4_r = "11" input_player4_l2 = "12" input_player4_r2 = "13" input_player4_l3 = "14" input_player4_r3 = "15" input_player4_l_x = "0" input_player4_l_y = "1" input_player4_r_x = "2" input_player4_r_y = "3" input_player5_b = "0" input_player5_y = "1" input_player5_select = "2" input_player5_start = "3" input_player5_up = "4" input_player5_down = "5" input_player5_left = "6" input_player5_right = "7" input_player5_a = "8" input_player5_x = "9" input_player5_l = "10" input_player5_r = "11" input_player5_l2 = "12" input_player5_r2 = "13" input_player5_l3 = "14" input_player5_r3 = "15" input_player5_l_x = "0" input_player5_l_y = "1" input_player5_r_x = "2" input_player5_r_y = "3"
retroarch Menu > hotkey+B Quick Menu > Core inputs options
Modify mapping button :
To user auto loading core option : Save ON EXIT > ON User per-game core option > ON Load Rempa file auto > ON
Go out retroarch Menu (hotkey+B) To verify that the option is enabled, quit the game and restart it. The file is automatically reloaded if it is available.
I will give a try on fba, Acris. Later I post the results. Thanks.
This can be very usefull on Nintendo 64. On PC, I usually remap a lot of FPS N64 games to adjust them to a modern control scheme. That can be great on Recalbox
In recalboxOS, mupen64plus is not libretro core. It's mupen64plus emulator
On PC, I usually remap a lot of FPS N64 games to adjust them to a modern control scheme
How ? Do you use mupen64plus emulator on PC ?
I use libretro on pc
In recalboxOS, mupen64plus is not libretro core. It’s mupen64plus emulator