16 Jan 2016, 17:57

I opened this https://github.com/recalbox/recalbox-os/issues/557 In reference about http://blog.recalbox.com/forums/topic/ive-bought-a-compatible-wifi-dongle-and-i-cant-connect-to-my-wifi/#post-18634

[root@RECALBOX ~]# ./install-wifi 8812au Your current kernel revision = 3.19.3-v7+ Your current kernel build    = #1 Checking for a new 8812au wifi driver module for your current kernel. A driver does not yet exist for this update.

And I ask by help in raspbian forum, because here nobody help. https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?p=885514#p885514

"MrEngman" Sorry I don't have drivers available for kernel 3.19 so the install-wifi script will not find any. The drivers I compile are for all those available using rpi-update (commit-id), so currently 3.18.3-16, 4.0.5-9. and 4.1.4-15., using the commits from github, https://github.com/Hexxeh/rpi-firmware/commits/master, and for kernel 4.4.0 and rc7/8, using BRANCH=next rpi-update (commit-id). MrEngman

There some way to compile drivers to recalbox (I dont have knowledge about this), in openelec the dongle is autodetected/installed. Thanks