Some games I've noticed seem to believe that there is a multiplayer adapter attached. This prevents the games from being played. I would like to disable every controller but 2. I'm not sure if this would allow the games to work but it potentially could.
Is there a way to disable controllers?
Some games I've noticed seem to believe that there is a multiplayer adapter attached. This prevents the games from being played. I would like to disable every controller but 2. I'm not sure if this would allow the games to work but it potentially could.
Humm with which systems?
Seems to be limited to the SNES. Games like Super Mario RPG and another that was a Tetris/Dr Mario combo both say to detach the multiplayer adapter. I'm only using a single usb SNES controller. RP2 with 4.0.0 Beta 2.
Hate to necro, but I didn't see an answer to this or another similar question with an answer (though I am admittedly new and have not had much time to dig).
Setting players 3-5 to none in the actual emulator menu seems to have worked just fine for me.
@mastertank56 go into the emulator/retroarch menu, go to Quick Menu, then controls.
Found that going into the system menu, pressing the select button on the individual game and designating a specific emulator and core resolves the problem. Specifically, I chose pocketsnes I believe and this resolved the issue. Been playing several games that originally gave this error by doing this.