25 Jul 2023, 10:13

Hi Recalbox mates,

I have started playing with recalbox on a Rpi 3b+ to get more familiar with the distribution.
This is a trully amazing work which has been achieved by Recalbox team and the community here.
As the Rpi3b+ is a bit limited and cannot emulate properly some of the systems I target, I think about another hardware.

How far do you think I can go with the following hardware ?

AMD Ryzen 5 5600G processor (up to 4.4 GHz)
Radeon Graphics 8
M2 ssd based of course
16gb ram (does it makes sense to have 32gb ?)

PS2, PS3, Gamecube, saturn, wiiu, switch, xbox 360...

Thanks a lot for your advices 😊
