4 Jul 2023, 19:35

Hello folks,
I'm new to the forum and I'm hoping for your help.
I am running the Recalbox version Pulstar 9.1 on my Raspberry Pi 3. Since the new version, I can no longer configure the 8bitdo NES30 Gamepro controller as a controller. They are only recognized as a joystick and therefore the buttons and the control pad can no longer be assigned.
I've reinstalled the Recalbox software several times but without a fix. the controllers work fine on windows or other devices. can it be that the drivers are missing in the Recalbox software? After all, the controllers are already 5 years old and no longer available from 8bitdo. Has driver support ended here and do I have to get new ones?
Many thanks for your help!!!
Greetings from Berlin