Hello all, been experimenting for my first time with Recalbox (which I must say is very well polished).
I've installed it on a fresh mini-PC (so x86_64) by using the provided image (recalbox-x86_64.img.xz). It works well. Transferred some ROMs, tried emulators/network/SSH/controllers... everything works great.
I'm facing a problem though.
Recalbox is installed on an SSD whose size is limited, and I would like to move some ROM folders on an HDD I've plugged on my PC (SATA, appears mounted on /recalbox/share/externals/usb0
Basically, I would like to keep the 8-16 bits ROMs on the HDD, since they will be loaded quite fast anyway due to their size), and put heavy ones (Wii, PS2, PSX) on the SSD.
I thought "hey no biggie, just pop in some symlinks and go". Problem, the /recalbox/share partition is formated in exFAT which doesn't support soft/hard links .
Also tried altering /etc/fstab and doing some "bind mounts" after doing ( mount -o remount,rw /
) to no avail (already done it before on another computer, so I'm familiar with the procedure).
So my question is : where do I go from there ? I thought about reformatting the share partition to ext4 and moving the data back on it, but wouldn't that break any future update ? Since Recalbox provides a polished experience, I wouldn't want to be "too specific" and make upgrading a hassle.
Is there a feature resembling the ones you made for config overrides (where it searches several folders in a specific priority) where ES would search several folders just like :