Accidentally switched on Recalbox RGB Dual, can't switch back to normal
Hello everyone,
first of all: I'm completly new to the whole recalbox experience and probably as
incompetent as it gets, so sorry, if my questions are dumb. Thanks for the great
support of this Retro-Gaming miracle you all created over the past years, I'm a huge
fanMy recalbox ist connected via HDMI to my LG Oled.
I tried some options in the system menu and switched (dumb as I am) the crt adapter
option to "Recalbox RGB Dual". The system started anew an now the whole solution
in the main menu is pretty low. Problem is: I can't change the crt adapter back to normal
and for the hell of it, i searched through the settings again and again and can't anything to help me. When
I select the "CRT Adapter" in the "CRT Settings", then there is no other option to choose than "Recalbox
RGB Dual".I hope my explanation is understandable, English is not my first language ;D
Anyway, really big thanks for your help, guys
I would be tempted to use Reset to factory settings in the Advanced Settings menu as explained in the wiki.
It won't delete your games but will reset your config files and should get rid of any CRT-specific settings.
@poppadum Thanks, didn't know that this won't reset my games! I'll try this!
@poppadum It worked! The reset helped. Thanks
admin 29 Sept 2023, 00:00