17 Sept 2022, 14:32

To the Mods of this Board.

I've got no Trouble with Recalbox, but with the Board itself.

What's with all these stupid Hummie-Flummie-Dummie-Gummie Posts in the last Weeks ?
In 3 (!) Hours we got 5(!) of this stupid posts.






What are you doing about that ?
Don’t give me the "We are a small Group so we can't have our Eyes everywhere"
It's your Board so keep it clean and these People out.

If you can't watch the Board all the Time, make it more difficult for People to post here.
On other Boards, after I had registered, it takes almost 2 Days before I can post anything.
In this Time the Mod checks my Registration and only give his OK when nothing is "fishy" about the registration.
Why didn't you do that here, to have to wait 2 Days before you can wait will scare most of this assholes who only posts s**t away.
And if someone realy came through an post s**t, bann him and block his ID-Adress forever, so he can't log in again with another Name.

I try to help People here, but when I must read this s**t about Hummie-Flummie-Dummie-Gummies here every Time I logged in I'm loosing interest in posting on this Board any further.