8.1.1 sound stutter throughout whole system
i have a strange issue and intermittently. the intro music is fine, then once emulation station loads ALL audio stutters like on, off, on, off its weird, I will attach a video.
i have joined the discord and done various troubleshooting such as different SD cards, clean installs etc it happens regardless. i can boot it 10 times and 3 out of 10 will have the issue, sometimes it will start stuttering after exiting a game back into emulation station and only a reboot will fix it.
please see video:
videoVideo is on a clean installed recalbox install without anything other than power and HDMI
pi is: PI 4 b
id also like to add this is an isolated issue to recalbox. This doesn't happen with retropi or other operating systems.
I know it sounds strange but did you try another HDMI-Cabel ?
Did you use the original Powersource from Raspberry for your Pi ?Or maybe this will help
https://wiki.recalbox.com/en/tutorials/audio/fix-emulationstation-sound-issues - 9 days later
Why no answer ?
Question too difficult ?
Fixed by yourself (how) ? -
This solution doesn't work...
II have a raspberry 3+
Note : problem only with USB connected -
@Pacha1974 said in 8.1.1 sound stutter throughout whole system:
Note : problem only with USB connected
USB connected what ?
Joypad, Mouse, Keyboard, USB-Stick, HDD, SSD or anything else ? -
Why no answer ?
Question too difficult ?
Fixed by yourself (how) ?Having Problem + Asking Question + Getting Answer (Help) + no Reply = RUDE !
@Alvin hello, sorry,.. usb stick with my roms
Maybe the Stick is to slow or damaged.
Try another one or put some Games on your SD-Card and test it -
@Alvin The problem is only in the menu Emulstation. No problem with the games.
I tried with another flash drive, same problem. -
@Pacha1974 said in 8.1.1 sound stutter throughout whole system:
The problem is only in the menu Emulstation. No problem with the games.
If it's in the Emulationstation then try another SD-Card (the one that you put into your Pi), not another USB-Stick
@Alvin Try to reduce your resulution in the menu. I used to have a lot of problems of sound until i locked both emulation and emustation to 720p or 1080p
My TV being 8k, and my previous was 4k, Recalbox was set in Native, and was pushing every emulators to these resolution, rendering slow, especially 3D systems.
@Benzitor said in 8.1.1 sound stutter throughout whole system:
@ Alvin Try to reduce your resulution in the menu. I used to have a lot of problems of sound until i locked both emulation and emustation to 720p or 1080p
My TV being 8k, and my previous was 4k, Recalbox was set in Native, and was pushing every emulators to these resolution, rendering slow, especially 3D systems.
Did you read this Thread at all ?
Than you should know that I got no Problem at all, but all the others who posted here did.So why should I reduce my Resolution of RecalBox ?
My Recalbox 6 works fine on my Raspberry Pi 3b+ in full HD (1920x1080). -
@B1GM4NT1NGS do you use a PlayStation pad ?
I had an issue with this on a x64 pc. If I boot with this pad, no sound. Then if I boot without the pad I can hear sounds after I plug the PlayStation controller. -
@B1GM4NT1NGS I have the same problem too, but on RaspberryPi 3b+. The only thing which I found, how possible fix stuttering is: in sound options choose a different output source, for example analog headphones, wait a few seconds, and after choose back HDMI/displayport. Music will plays correctly, but until restarting, or starting a game and exit from it.
I'm sure that problem in this version of recalbox. Not the hardware - sdcard, rpi, gamepad, cable etc. Because when i installed previous version I haven't problem with music in menu with the same setup.
I hope that developers will pay attention on this issue. -
@ArthCore : Même problème pour moi, et même technique que toi pour répondre ce son bizarre.
Avant, j'étais en 7.1.1 pour la version de recalbox, et aucun problème. Une mise à jour ou un fix résoudra surement ce problème dans une future version
This ENGLISH Thread in ENGLISH Part of Board !
EVERYONE here posts in ENGLISH (me too an I'm from Germany) so why did you come in here and post in FRENCH ?moderated by Scavy
I suggest you to calm down.
Moderated by Scavy
Don’t generalize everything. As a German people you should know that more than others.
Have a nice day ! -
In the file /recalbox/system/recalbox.conf
For 720p...
replace line (for comment line) :
##global.videomode=1280x720add line
global.videomode=CEA 4 HDMI -
And I suggest you stay out of it.At last I know how to behave on this Board.
If someone posts in German in the German Part of the Board I answer in German, and if someone posts in English in the English Part I answer in English.Im not so stupid to answer in other languages and to post on a Board in a Language that doesn't belong here.
How would you like it if I answer your comment here in German ?
It's strange that only French People do that on this Board an not People who are speaking German, English, Spain, Italian or Portuguese.