8 May 2022, 10:19

Is it possible to use a MIDI emulator with Recalbox, on a Raspberry Pi, that can be detected by DosBox?

@chacs asked a related question in 2018, and noted, "Under Windows, DosBox goes through the 'midi drivers' of the PC sound card, but under Recalbox/Raspberry, I suppose it must be different."

@lmerckx responded with, "It's probably a DosBox compile-time option that hasn't been enabled. We should look into it sometime..."

I was hoping a solution had been implemented that would allow me to play some of my old non-scummvm games such as Wing Commander, X-Wing, etc. with their glorious MIDI music.

From my own research into the issue, it appears an emulator, such as munt, or fluidsynth, is needed. Once one of the emulators is running, and the necessary roms and a soundfont are provided, the MIDI device can be detected in DosBox, using the command mixer /listmidi to get the midiconfig= entry in the dosbox.cfg file for the game. Or at least that's how it's done with Windows and DosBox; I'm not sure how Recalbox would do it.

Does Recalbox already have a MIDI emulator running?
Has a DosBox compile-time option been found and enabled?
If so, is there a configuration option we need to enable, to make DosBox, running inside Recalbox, see it?