duckstation fullscreen
IGA 12 Dec 2021, 22:07
Hardware: Pi 4 - 4gb
Power supply: 5V 3A Power Supply
Recalbox 8
Built From: Pre made from website pi4 image
USB: logitech keyboard
Controller: saitek x-box 360 controller
VideoOut: crt-tv via composite !Hello)
How enable fullscreen at duckstation? On crt-tv nothing is visible:
And i couldn't find current parameter in E:\system.config\duckstation\settings.ini:
[Audio] Backend = Cubeb BufferSize = 2048 DumpOnBoot = false FastForwardVolume = 100 OutputMuted = false OutputVolume = 100 Resampling = true Sync = true [BIOS] PatchFastBoot = false PatchTTYEnable = false PathNTSCJ = PathNTSCU = PathPAL = SearchDirectory = [CDROM] LoadImageToRAM = false MuteCDAudio = false ReadSpeedup = 1 ReadaheadSectors = 8 RegionCheck = false SeekSpeedup = 1 [CPU] ExecutionMode = Recompiler FastmemMode = LUT ICache = false OverclockDenominator = 1 OverclockEnable = false OverclockNumerator = 1 RecompilerBlockLinking = true RecompilerICache = false RecompilerMemoryExceptions = false [Cheevos] Enabled = false TestMode = false UnofficialTestMode = false UseFirstDiscFromPlaylist = true [Console] Enable8MBRAM = false Region = Auto [Controller1] AnalogDPadInDigitalMode = true AxisLeftX = Controller0/Axis0 AxisLeftY = Controller0/Axis1 AxisRightX = Controller0/Axis2 AxisRightY = Controller0/Axis3 ButtonCircle = Controller0/Button1 ButtonCross = Controller0/Button0 ButtonDown = Controller0/Button12 ButtonHotkey = Controller0/Button5 ButtonL1 = Controller0/Button9 ButtonL2 = Controller0/+Axis4 ButtonLeft = Controller0/Button13 ButtonR1 = Controller0/Button10 ButtonR2 = Controller0/+Axis5 ButtonRight = Controller0/Button14 ButtonSelect = Controller0/Button4 ButtonSquare = Controller0/Button2 ButtonStart = Controller0/Button6 ButtonTriangle = Controller0/Button3 ButtonUp = Controller0/Button11 Type = AnalogController [Controller2] Type = None [Controller3] Type = None [Controller4] Type = None [Controller5] Type = None [Controller6] Type = None [Controller7] Type = None [Controller8] Type = None [ControllerPorts] MultitapMode = Disabled [Debug] DumpCPUToVRAMCopies = false DumpVRAMToCPUCopies = false ShowCDROMState = false ShowDMAState = false ShowGPUState = false ShowMDECState = false ShowSPUState = false ShowTimersState = false ShowVRAM = false [Display] ActiveEndOffset = 0 ActiveStartOffset = 0 AspectRatio = Auto (Game Native) CropMode = Overscan CustomAspectRatioNumerator = 4 DisplayAllFrames = false Force4_3For24Bit = false Fullscreen = true IntegerScaling = false InternalResolutionScreenshots = false LineEndOffset = 0 LineStartOffset = 0 LinearFiltering = false MaxFPS = 0.000000 PostProcessing = false Rotate = 0 ShowEnhancements = false ShowFPS = true ShowOSDMessages = true ShowResolution = true ShowSpeed = true ShowStatusIndicators = true ShowVPS = true Stretch = false VSync = true [GPU] Adapter = ChromaSmoothing24Bit = false DisableInterlacing = true DownsampleMode = Disabled ForceNTSCTimings = false FullscreenMode = 720 x 240 @ 60.112278 hz Multisamples = 1 PGXPCPU = false PGXPCulling = true PGXPDepthBuffer = false PGXPDepthClearThreshold = 300.000000 PGXPEnable = false PGXPPreserveProjFP = false PGXPTextureCorrection = true PGXPTolerance = -1.000000 PGXPVertexCache = false PerSampleShading = false Renderer = OpenGL ResolutionScale = 1 ScaledDithering = true TextureFilter = Nearest ThreadedPresentation = true TrueColor = false UseDebugDevice = false UseSoftwareRendererForReadbacks = false UseThread = true WidescreenHack = false [Hacks] DMAHaltTicks = 100 DMAMaxSliceTicks = 1000 GPUFIFOSize = 16 GPUMaxRunAhead = 128 [Hotkeys] FastForward = Keyboard/Tab OpenQuickMenu = Keyboard/Escape Screenshot = Keyboard/F10 ToggleFullscreen = Keyboard/Alt+Return TogglePause = Keyboard/Space [Logging] LogFilter = LogLevel = Error LogToConsole = true LogToDebug = false LogToFile = false LogToWindow = false [Main] ApplyGameSettings = true AutoLoadCheats = true ConfirmPowerOff = true ControllerBackend = SDL DisableAllEnhancements = false EmulationSpeed = 1.000000 FastForwardSpeed = 0.000000 IncreaseTimerResolution = true InhibitScreensaver = true LoadDevicesFromSaveStates = false PauseOnFocusLoss = false PauseOnMenu = true RewindEnable = false RewindFrequency = 10.000000 RewindSaveSlots = 10 RunaheadFrameCount = 0 SaveStateOnExit = true SettingsVersion = 3 StartFullscreen = true StartPaused = false SyncToHostRefreshRate = false TurboSpeed = 0.000000 [MemoryCards] Card1Type = PerGameTitle Card2Type = None UsePlaylistTitle = true [TextureReplacements] DumpVRAMWriteForceAlphaChannel = true DumpVRAMWriteHeightThreshold = 128 DumpVRAMWriteWidthThreshold = 128 DumpVRAMWrites = false EnableVRAMWriteReplacements = false PreloadTextures = false
You've got the same Problem I've got when I had installed Recalbox 8 on an old Asus EeePC Laptop.
Duckstation was the only PSX-Emulator working, but I got only a 4:3 PictureI've looked around everywhere but didn't find an solution to make it Fullscreen.
is the "Settings" Page of the Duckstation-Wiki and here it says thisGeneral Settings
Most of the settings in here you do not need to change unless you want DuckStation to start in Fullsscreen mode, enable the UI in Fullscreen mode or Enable Discord Presence.Display Settings - Screen Display
Aspect Ratio is 4:3 for all PS1 games by default, most monitors are 16:9 as standard, you can enable the Widescreen hack in Enhancement Settings to correct the stretching/warping which also gives a larger view in 3D games though this may not work in all games, 2D games and games with pre-rendered backgrounds may not work as expected.Well, I searched but I couldn't find an Access to the these "Enhancement Setttings" on Recalbox.
Maybe they only show up if you use Windows and install Duckstation as Windows-Version.
Here says
DuckStation does support Linux, but no support will be provided by the developer due to the huge range and variance of distributions.But maybe someone from the "Recalbox-Staff" will show up and tell us how we can access the "Enhancement Setttings" of Duckstation or how we can change at last the Screenresolution.
@alvin Actually, at first it worked correctly... Now - only in window. Alt+enter does not help....
I need to understand which parameter respond for fullscreen in settings.ini
What, no one is in the subject?
Or maybe in the blind to pick correct setting in UI - i run duckstation on PC - duckstation-nogui-x64-ReleaseLTCG to try to find this option tweak to try to apply it by analogy in recalbox...
...but so far unsuccessfully
Any ideas?