Trying to update but can't. 7.1.1-Reloaded
I downloaded a RetroPi 4 image from arcadepunks and got it installed and everything. Once I got it connected to the internet it said I have an update available. When I try to install the update it says I need at least 3GB free on 'Share' partition. The image is 114GB and it's on a 128GB SD card. I'm not sure what to do. I looked online and it said to go to RetroPi and expand my sd card but I can't find it anywhere on the image or how to access it. Any help would be greatly appreciated thanks.
@dieseldave87 said in Trying to update but can't. 7.1.1-Reloaded:
I downloaded a RetroPi 4 image from arcadepunks...
...and it said to go to RetroPi and expand my sd card but I can't find it anywhere on the image or how to access it. Any help would be greatly appreciated thanks.
My help:
Go to the RetroPi-Board and ask there because this here is the Recalbox-Board and nobody will help you. -
@alvin The image I downloaded is a recalbox image
@alvin Cobalto v4 – 128GB – Recalbox 7.1.1 – Raspberry Pi4 /400 from Galisteo
@dieseldave87 said in Trying to update but can't. 7.1.1-Reloaded:
@alvin Cobalto v4 – 128GB – Recalbox 7.1.1 – Raspberry Pi4 /400 from Galisteo
I think there will be no support for this kind of Version on this Board.
So please ask "Galisteo"The only support here will be for the "original" Versions you can download here: you can wait for "Zing" the Moderator of this Board, he will problably tell you the same too.
@dieseldave87 The purchase/sale/distribution of the already assembled Recalbox system is illegal, as it goes against the license to use Recalbox, ROMs and BIOS. Apart from the fact that the system is distributed for free by the Recalbox team, and whoever sells it unfairly profits.
Therefore, the forum does not support this type of image, if you want support as it is, you will need to contact whoever created this image.In addition, the forum does not support outdated versions, as many errors are errors that have already been fixed over time.
As already said by Alvin, If you want support on the forum, download and install the latest official version: this is a third-party modified version, which goes against the forum's support rules, I'll block this topic.