[RECALBOX 7] missing libretro/pcsx_rearmed bios for PSX games
Hi all,
I had this error message this morning when I tried my psx games, related to missing libretro/pcsx_rearmed bios.
It also tells that there might be a problem with the md5 checksum and I confirm it is related.Here is what I did to solve it :
- get all missing bios for psx : the list is available in the bios menu / section psx (you can use a pack like BIOS_Recalbox_4.1_18.02.09)
- add the missing bios to the \RECALBOX\share\bios\ folder : SCPH1001.BIN, SCPH7001.BIN, scph5502.bin, SCPH1002.BIN, SCPH7002.BIN, SCPH101.BIN)
- Install Putty tool
- run this ms-dos commands, to make recalbox's config files writable :
cd C:\Program Files\PuTTY
plink RECALBOX -l root -pw recalboxroot mount -o remount, rw / - connect to your recalbox using ssh/putty :
create a session with hostname "root@recalbox" - open the bios config file :
nano /recalbox/share_init/system/.emulationstation/es_bios.xml - look for the system playstation :
ctrl+w , type psx, enter - in the section psx, replace md5 value of bios "scph1001.bin", (dc2b9bf8da62ec93e868cfd29f0d067d) with this value : "924e392ed05558ffdb115408c263dccf"
this is the correct md5 value for the bios file - save the file (ctrl+x, yes)
- reboot recalbox
- check that in the bios menu that psx bios are all valid
- run your favorite game
If some games still cannot be lauched, like me you can :
- add bios "dtl-h1001.bin"
- add the bios in the es_bios.xml file, in the "psx section", like this :
<bios path="dtl-h1001.bin" md5="dc2b9bf8da62ec93e868cfd29f0d067d" core="pcsx_rearmed" note="Recommended for better compatibility." />
Hope this helps!
Hi, I was dealing with this too today, but I didn't know where to store the correct MD5 hash. Thanks for that, works well now!
Best Regards
This post is deleted! -
Hi, I'm having the same error message.
I already have all psx bios. The only one is still missing is SCPH101.BIN which it is not included in BIOS_Recalbox_4.1_18.02.09.
I've found that file in serveral sites but always the MD5 is wrong as per what Recalbox need: 6E3735FF4C7DC899EE98981385F6F3D0.
Any clue? -
Guess what?
MD5 value is ok in the file... MD5 string was wrongly defined in captital letters in es_bios.xml.
Fixed the string to lower. Now warning message is not shown but any PSX game I load, it just kick me out (just as before)... -
This is really kind of a hassle. Why include the emulator when it's broken?
I keep my bios.xml file unchanged, I use the correct BIOS, and everything works:
<bios path="scph1001.bin" md5="dc2b9bf8da62ec93e868cfd29f0d067d,924e392ed05558ffdb115408c263dccf" core="pcsx_rearmed" note="Recommended for better compatibility." />
Now warning message is not shown but any PSX game I load, it just kick me out (just as before)...
You are "cheating" the MD5 checker, but that is not enough to "cheat" the Emulator: If you have a problem with the BIOS, or you are using the wrong MD5, or you have the wrong name or extension (remembering that they are case sensitive, name and extension).
This is really kind of a hassle. Why include the emulator when it's broken?
It is not because you were unable to make it work that it is broken, I use this emulator without any problems, and I did not have to make any configuration or modifications to work, it was enough to add the correct BIOS.
@warriorfr @acenet @IlNiCoLiNo @UdderJuice
I recommend that you use the latest official version of Recalbox (do not use ready-made images from the internet, or outdated versions), and use the correct BIOS files (remembering that these files are copyrighted, so requesting or distributing them is against the forum rules).This post apparently refers to an earlier version of Recalbox, this procedure does not currently make sense, do not get confused.