28 Feb 2021, 23:22

I'd be very interested to know if anyone has successfully set up a spinner for Mame games such as Tempest yet. On my newest build, I'm using a pc with Recalbox linux, and the system seems to see the Ultimarc Spinner but I can't seem to get it to work freely in Mame games. I particularly want to play Tempest, but it seems to have 'limits' along the x axis (i.e. maximum travel left and right) which, I imagine, correspond to the boundaries of an unseen screen or something such as that? I'm no expert, but that's how it seems. At first, I couldn't figure out how to see the mouse at all, but discovered the 'mouse on' option within RA (duh!). Yet, I can't see any other settings within RA that may fix this other issue to make the mouse 'relative'.

I've searched the web and I've seen this problem mentioned, but none of the fixes seem to work for me (such as pressing F2, F12 or entering certain modes, 'grabbing the mouse' or whatever). Perhaps these are for other versions of the software, or RetroPie, etc.?

I can also only get this version of Tempest (V3, Revised Hardware) to work within "Libreto Mame" (and not any of the others, including "Libreto Mame 2015") and I'm not sure if this part of the problem or not. Any ideas? Thanks in advance!