How do I setup my BT game controller for MAME/Arcade ?
i was able to setup my controllers and get them working with all my other emulators like nes, snes, mega drive, atari... but for mame/arcade games where do i go do this ? i even started an arcade game rom and tried to use the keyboard to bring up some menu after it started the game ?
no luck and there is not much documentation i'm finding about Recalbox setting up game controllers for Mame/Arcade.. any help appreciated . thx
so i hadn't used my recalbox pi setup since 2018 and it was a version of recalbox from 2016/17.. so i had just reloaded it with recalbox 7.0 yesterday.. so i found it uses mame 2013 plus and a newer version of retroarch from what i was used to.. also i couldn't get the normal mame 2013 mame menu to pop up using keyboard tab key.. this link below explains what settings to set in retroarch that's in recalbox 7.0 so that you can just use the keyboard for mame menu