It's been a while since last release, here is a small update about this theme after recalbox staff released beta 6.1 for GPi Case.
Next Pixel next release (version 1.1) for recalbox 6.1 is ready and availlable from github but please read carefully next lines.
If you're a GPi Case tester you may try Next Pixel theme and grab crt-small package. This is a new package optimized for small 4:3 screens.
If you're not a Gpi tester using recalbox 6.1 beta DO NOT INSTALL Next Pixel 1.1 with recalbox 6.0 as it is not compatible.
More info about Next Pixel 1.1 when recalbox 6.1 will be out for every platforms.
Here is a direct link to crt-small package
DOWNLOAD es-next-pixel-crt-small-1.1
For the lucky ones enjoy your GPi Case with recalbox!