Solved ColecoVision Not Working In 6.0
My 4.1 has ColecoVision working on it..
Installed 6.0 on another raspberry pi and followed the instructions, but the listing of console games on the main screen does not display ColecoVision at all.
Is this currently broken in 6.0 which is why you may have disabled it from the main screen?
@tdelios which instructions did you follow? It should be enough to just put some game in the colecovision roms folder and launch them.
Don’t forget the coleco.rom in case it isn’t present. -
@paradadf I followed the instructions in the text file that is in the colecovision rom folder called "_readme.text"..
I originally tried as you said to simply put any one or more colecovision rom game in the folder, but the 'ColecoVision' gaming system title didn't even display on the main screen.
In the 4.1 version, I had to follow the "_readme.txt" in order to get it working.. but in either case with the 6.0 release.. neither one displays the gaming title screen of Colecovision
@tdelios I just tested it and the behaviour hasn’t changed. If you follow the _readme.txt from colecovisions roms folder and copy the coleco.rom to the right location, the games will start normally.
@paradadf my bad. sorry..I had two sets of the roms as different formats.. one format with the .rom extension and the other as the .col extension..
works now.. thx