Testers wanted: major system upgrade (Pi3b+, KODI 17 and much more ...)
I get an error message when I try to access network shares in kodi. Could there be something wrong with the Kodi integration?
- DOS et Daphne : Le clavier numérique ne s'affiche pas lorsqu'on veut editer le nom d'un jeu dans "scrapper"
@gaetan hi yes i have remapped my controller it also forgets the wifi after resetting the pi its as if your using external memory it forgets everything after a reboot
@daz someone as the same kind of issues and doing this solved it : maybe cutting power is the issue, try to repair your usb stick on windows
Hello, I have a problem launching games. They refuse to get started and return to the menu.
- Beta installed on sd card formatted fat32
- games on usb key
- functional zippy joystick kit on the recalbox menu
- I remapped at each reboot
- recalbox.conf port gpio in 1
If I disable my gpio joystick in 0 and I put my ps3 gamepad the games start ...
Thank you in advance and nice work!
le post d'origine est toujours à jour ?
Il y a toujours besoin de tester ça ?
ça fait un moment que j'attends kodi 17 pour passer à recalbox, c'est cool !Ps: est ce qu'il y a une langue officielle pour cette section ? Le forum ? ou ce post ?
@nicolas-san le post d'origine est toujours à jour, il y a toujours besoin de testeurs, la langue officielle de ce post is english
@Gaetan Thanks, I will try it !
(I can't edit my previous post to change to english)
with my Raspberry 3B+ on Recalbox Beta, i see 1200 Mhz for overclock option. Shouldn't it be 1400 Mhz ? -
@pkerga the beta version is 1400mhz this overclock menu is obsolete and should be change in a further update
Plusieurs soucis de mon coté :- manettes n30 pro à reconfigurer à chaque lancement
_ plantage au lancement de jeux, sur différents systèmes, malgré la reprog des manettes.
Je remets ma manette sans fil avec dongle usb et tout refonctionne.
Quelle est la solution ?
Raspberry pi3 b+
micro sd 32go
manettes 8btido n30 pro - manettes n30 pro à reconfigurer à chaque lancement
j'ai également des soucis aussi avec la manette usb freebox, ca fait planter les jeux et l'ensemble des boutons n'est pas fonctionnelle (L2 par exemple). Pas de souci par contre avec les boutons de ma borne d'arcade raccordés via USB.
i also have trouble with my freebox usb controler. No problem with my arcade controler.
I used the "pi3/cm3/pi3b+" image on a arcade setup with gpio (2 joysticks + 17 buttons).
So far no problems ! Great job !PS: It could be nice that gpio controllers be enable via the menu.
@Substring Hello, great job ! it works pretty well
(I'm on the pi version).
Archive support: https://file.ac/zIrDHHSFAzc/
However, I have some issues with the 8 bitdo sfc 30 pro controller:-
Test on the n64 zelda oot when I press the trigger L2 (maps as z on the n64 controller ) it acted as if I was leaning on it, no way to remove the aim.
When I press the hotkey, it changes the shader (as if I was doing the combination hotkey + L2)
In doom when I press the trigger R2 he alternates between bare hand and weapon which makes the game impossible to play
That's not a problem but to activate my controller in game, I have to press L2+R2 otherwise my controller is not working.
In the menu retroarche, I have big difficulties to move to choose an option.
Test with an Xbox 360 wired controller and I did not have any of those problems.
- Then on ES I sometimes have black screen completely random but rare enough to not deteriorate my gaming experience.
For the moment that's all my feedback that I have to share
Thank you for this release which can allow me to test Recalbox on my Raspberry 3b+.
My configuration for the test :- Raspberry 3b+
- Superpi case with safe shutdown activated
- USB SNES Joypad Bufalo Classic
- I uncomment the parameter PIN356ONOFFRESET
All is working well until now except:
- Power LED does not switch on
- Recalbox reboots when I hot plug a SNES pad
First of all : I'm a noob.
That's my very first configuration (Rpi3B+, Superpi Case with shutdown, 2x 8bitdo SFC30pro) so it's kind of hard for me to make the difference between systemic issue and specific issue linked to this beta version.-
A lot of issues with bluetooth connection for the 2x SFC30pro, resolved by a connection through the USB-C cables.
Are you still working on the bluetooth for Rpi3 or is-it a beta's problem ? -
Lag on some N64 games (seems normal), will you add some overclock menu with the Rpi3B+ to go upper than 1400MHz ?
Sound output auto : sometimes it doestn't work with HDMI connection (need to specifie HDMI output, then it goes fine).
distant restart doesn't work most of the time. could it be an interaction with the superpi case and the "local" restart ?
system often crash when I push it to far (like trying to scrappe other than 8000 roms in one time...)
Otherwize you're work is very impressive (since now emulation could be used by everyone).
I'm a new user of Recalbox. (i know, an other noob... and more : i'm french !)
I use a Rpi3B+, with a noname SD card (class 10, 32gb), and Kingston usb key.
(I'm waiting my Sandisk SDcard and Sandisk Usb key)
My gamepad is an original PS3 gamepad.
I've install the img direct link with Etcher on my sd card.Many problem with my config :
- Impossible to use de ps3 gamepad in BlueTooth : so many problem after quit a game, like the gamepad needs to be remap but impossible to go to the menu...
- Issue with the virtual Keyboard you know
- And the most important issue : big problems with EStation. Impossible to quit or reboot from ES menu : always crash and black screen. I always have to quit with the webmanager. But sometimes, when i scrap some games (just 300 or 500), it crash with webmanager too.
So sometimes i loose my scrap or favorites.
I'will try to post a report, when i will have understand how to do it...
Good job, and Goodluck !
About favorites and scrap :
- Two or three times i reset my gamelist.xml for megadrive and supernes, and always problems. I can have scraps, but not favorites. When i had them, most of the times they no longer there next times. And sometimes, all the scraps are erased.
May be my kingston usb or my noname sd ? I'll tell you after i recept a better material than actually.