Dear @digitaLumberjack,
I can absolutely understand your feelings at the time you read @sharmuta's post and hence can relate to the way you articulated your response.
Having said that, your answer can be misinterpreted and read as if @sharmuta's donation (and potentially other people's donations as well) are somewhat taken for granted and not appreciated. Additionally, it can also be misunderstood that we are not open to feedback, as harsh as it may be.
I believe you will agree with me that this project wouldn't be where it is today without donations and strong community effort. Yet this does not mean that your invaluable work is not appreciated.
Furthermore, I do agree with the underlying feedback that was (badly) communicated by @sharmuta. Some people relay on the unstable version as it supports the native BT and Wifi capabilities of the RPi 3 and hence it is unfair on them to wait this long when an alternative option is not available and no ETA is announced. No one says it is only on you to fix it, rather I would suggest to explain in your answer why this takes the timeframe it does and what could potentially be done as a community to support you (and the team) in order to expedite the process.
I hope this will correct the communication and be viewed by the readers of this thread as a non-typical interaction in our great community.