I have a 2 GPI cases with a raspberry pi 0 w. I loaded recall box on several SD cards. They all work one but not the other. On the other one it freezes at the first emulator which I think is commodore computer. It does not advance I've held down the arrows and start button and all that it just won't work. It does this with every card that I've loaded it with but not on the other one it works fine. ????? I did have RetroPie on the raspberry pi before. I'm lost
Posts made by westrudt
I have a GPI case with a Ras
sd card not loading ..
my gpi case raspberry pi 0w is stuck on welcome screen. and I cant get it to go. It's hold the a button to configure it. press f4 to quit at any time..............booting up but can't configure in the welcome screen