Avant toutes choses de nouveau un grand merci à toutes l'équipe pour votre travail et votre investigation pour cette version 7.0 !
Hormis quelques petit bug nous ne pouvons que vous féliciter...
Grave à vous je peux enfin découvrir les joies de la version PC et ma question se portera sur l'emulateur DS Desmumes
En effet, certain jeux nécessite de pivoter la DS pour la tenir comme un livre
Je recherche donc un moyen de faire une rotation de mes écrans sur la TV (c'est sur qu'incliner toutes la TV ce n'est pas vraiment top ^^)
D'après le Wiki Desmumes c'est en effet possible:
How do I customize the appearance of the emulated DS video output?
DeSmuME allows you to apply pixel scalers, adjust the size of the video output, simulate the separation between the main and touch screens, and run filters on the video output. You can also rotate the NDS displays for games that require you to rotate the hardware NDS in a certain way.
Pixel Upscale: To change the pixel scaler, choose View > Magnification Filters, and then select one of the menu options.
Output Filter: Choose Config > Display Method, then choose either DirectDraw HW, DirectDraw SW, or OpenGL. Your output filter will depend on which option you chose.
DirectDraw HW: Depending on OS and GPU driver, your output filter may be Nearest Neighbor or Bilinear. You have no control over which filter is used, as it is determined for you by the OS/driver.
DirectDraw SW: Your output filter will always be Nearest Neighbor.
OpenGL: If Config > Display Method > Filter is checked, then your output filter will be Bilinear. Otherwise, your output filter will be Nearest Neighbor.
Display Resize: To set the displays to a specific size, choose View > Window Size, and then choose one of the menu options. The video displays will grow and shrink with the size of its window. The minimum display size is 1x times the pixel scaling. Keep in mind that some pixel scalers, such as 5xBRZ, can cause a vertical layout display to grow up to 1280x1920 pixels in size. In this case, there would be nothing you can do to reduce the display size below 5x. If the window doesn't fit in your monitor while using a given pixel scaler, then you must choose a pixel scaler with a smaller scaling value.
Screen Separation: Choose View > Screen Gap, and then select one of the menu options.
Rotation: Choose View > Rotation, and then select one of the menu options.
Pixel Upscale: Select the window you want to change, then choose View > Video Pixel Scaler, and then choose one of the menu options. Alternatively, you can choose View > Show Video Settings, and then choose one of the Pixel Scalers from the Video Settings panel.
Output Filter: Select the window you want to change, then choose View > Video Output Filter, and then choose one of the menu options. Alternatively, you can choose View > Show Video Settings, and then choose one of the Output Filters from the Video Settings panel.
Display Resize: Select the window you want to change. To set the displays to a specific size, choose View > Display Size, and then choose one of the menu options. Note that on Mac, the maximum window size will always be dependent on your monitor's current resolution. The video display will grow and shrink with the size of the window. If the View > Keep Minimum Display Size at 1x option is enabled, then the minimum display size is 1x. Otherwise, the minimum display size is 0.25x.
Screen Separation: Select the window you want to change, then choose View > Display Separation, and then choose one of the menu options. Note that the percentage number is relative to the true distance between the NDS displays, where a separation of 100% is approximately 87.65px. If you choose Custom, then you may freely separate the displays to any percentage value from 0%-200%.
Rotation: Select the window you want to change, then choose View > Display Rotation, and then choose one of the menu options. If you choose Custom, then you may free rotate the display to any rotation.
Pixel Upscale (GTK and Qt only):
GTK: Choose View > Video Filter, and then select one of the menu options.
Qt: Choose View > Video Filter, and then select one of the menu options.
Output Filter (GTK only): With the exception of GTK, this feature is unsupported on all frontends. The output filter will always be Nearest Neighbor on unsupported frontends.
GTK: Choose View > Secondary Video Filter, and then select one of the menu options.
Display Resize (GTK and Qt only):
GTK: Choose View > Window Size, and then select on of the menu options to set the displays to a specific size. If you choose Scale to Window, then the displays will grow and shrink with the window size. The minimum display size is 1x.
Qt: The displays will grow and shrink with the window size. However, there is no option to set the displays to a specific size. The minimum display size is 1x.
Screen Separation (GTK and Glade only):
GTK: Choose View > Screen Gap. Note that this is only a toggle option which only supports a separation of 0px or 90px.
Glade: Choose Config > True Gap to separate the screens by 90px, or choose Config > No Gap to separate the screens by 0px. If both options are not enabled, then the default separation is 5px.
Rotation (GTK and Glade only):
GTK: Choose View > Rotation, and then select one of the menu options.
Glade: For the normal display rotation, choose Config > Rotate Screen 0. To rotate the displays 90 degrees, choose Config > Rotate Screen 90. To rotate the displays 180 degrees, choose Config > Rotate Screen 180. To rotate the displays 270 degrees, choose Config > Rotate Screen 270.
Mais impossible de trouver comment faire dans le menu Retro Arch
Seriez-vous m'aider là-dessus ? ou savez-vous vers qui je peux m'orienter ?