Ah, now I see!
I've never noticed that "ROMs/ISOs" field, now it makes sense, at least some kind of.
And I have already set the matching mode in Skraper to filename only, so CRC should not be a problem.
Many thanks, that should do the trick.
Ah, now I see!
I've never noticed that "ROMs/ISOs" field, now it makes sense, at least some kind of.
And I have already set the matching mode in Skraper to filename only, so CRC should not be a problem.
Many thanks, that should do the trick.
Ich habe leider das Problem, dass die neueste Version (29.11.2018) nicht mehr scrapen will, der Scraper stürzt entweder ab oder speichert einfach nicht.
Hast du zufällig noch das letzte Image davor, ich würde die SD Karte gerne damit reflashen, damit ich wieder scrapen kann.
Great. Just reflashed the sd card with the full rpi3 image, only to see, that this is also already the latest beta (with non working scraper).
Does anybody has the image of the version before, so that I can reflash this?
Thanks in advance...
Couldn't you just reconfigure the controller the way you want it and so swap the buttons?
I only have a ps3 and xbox controller connected and there I can configure just any button to anything, I would think, this should also be possible for your controller.
How can I go back from the last update to the "full" beta image without complete re-writing the sd card (I'm on pi 3b+)?
The not working scraper drives me nuts and I would like to use the version before, where the scraper was working without problems.
While I like Skraper, how can I make it recognice a rom it didn't catch by itself?
I have, for example, in psx a rom "Tempest X3.pbp" and "Tempest X3" is also the name on screenscraper.fr, but Skraper doesn't get it.
Can I select this somehow manually?
Sadly, the inbuild scraper on retrobox latest beta (pi 3b+) is broken, so I cannot use this for individual scraping.
I had an installation with the full beta image on 3B+..
Now, with the update, I made a new install and applied the update.
It seems, the scarper doesn't save any data (scraping works), there where no problems with the old image before applying the latest Update.
Is this a known problem or anything I can do, to make it work?