AUDO is an addon by lsellens. It was made for the OpenELEC version of Kodi. I realize this is technically not the place to be seeking help about this, but the AUDO author is barely online on the forums and I was wondering if someone here could help me out. The addon installs fine, it runs automatically upon starting Kodi and all components run correctly. Except for Sabnzbd, it says OpenSSL is not available. SSL is very important for Sabnzbd and it's not really usable without it. I've already made a post about this in the AUDO subforum of OpenELEC. Not sure if this helps, I haven't put it into the other forum yet. After googling I came across this. Using SSH, I cd into /recalbox/share/system/.kodi/addons/script.module.audo-dependencies/lib/ and ran "python2.7". Then I typed in: from OpenSSL import SSL
and this is the output:
>>> from OpenSSL import SSL
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "OpenSSL/", line 36, in <module>
from OpenSSL import crypto
ImportError: OpenSSL/ undefined symbol: PyUnicodeUCS4_Decode