My diy recalbox is working well but the only issue I'm having at the moment is when I am in Kodi and try to do any of the shutdown/exit/etc options, it usually reboots me back to emulationstation and neither my bluetooth keyboard or my usb gamepad respond so I just end up unplugging the machine. Is there a way from Kodi to properly just shut down the unit or do I need to always just unplug it while it's on?
Posts made by menappi
Shutdown from Kodi
I have a wifi usb dongle that I've used to connect to my home network in the emulation station portion of my recalbox but I can't seem to figure out how to get to any wifi settings in XBMC. Any help?
RE: XBMC back into Emulationstation
I'll try to adjust but will this fix the issue with the controller not responding when quitting kodi/xbmc?
RE: XBMC back into Emulationstation
I'm not exactly sure how to do this. I've put my micro sd card into my computer but I can't find those paths/files. Even less sure how i'd do this from the raspberry pi directly..any help? Also..what exactly does this do? Fix the resolution or completely shut down the device when hitting shutdown from xbmc?
XBMC back into Emulationstation
When my diy Recalbox starts up it starts with the Emulation portion, I hit X to go into XBMC, which is fine. When I try to 'shut down' XBMC it then goes back into Emulationstation but the resolution is all compressed and the controller doesn't respond. How do I 1) shutdown XBMC and the entire Raspberry Pi 2)go from XBMC back into Emulationstation with proper resolution and controller functionality???
RE: N64 sound but no video
I was also having this issue when trying to run Mario Kart 64 but I got a different rom and it video worked fine. I did have a problem though with the B key on my SNES USB controller exiting the emulator during gameplay...not sure why but it's not playable because of this but just wanted to let you know! Nice work..this is my first Pi and I went straight to this to get emulators+xbmc. Bravo.