Disabling WLAN in the config did help at the moment. Though WLAN never worked for me - so it is no problem for me to disable it.
Disabling WLAN in the config did help at the moment. Though WLAN never worked for me - so it is no problem for me to disable it.
My Recalbox stays at the screen: "Black Recalbox Start Screen with Version Number 4.0.2 bottom left". No key input or controller input will put the Recalbox to the next screen with the System Selection.
The strange thing is, that I have full acces from PC via "\Recalbox". Yesterday everything was fine,
Can someone help me?
Meine Recalbox bleibt beim Bildschirm: "Schwarzer Recalbox Bildschirm mit Versionsnummer 4.0.2 links unten" stehen. Keine Tastatureingabe oder Controller-Eingabe bewirkt etwas. Trotzdem habe ich per PC Netzwerkzugriff. Kann mir jemand helfen?
Gestern hat noch alles funktioniert.