@Zing I opened the below issue in Gitlab. Thanks.
Posts made by MagNeato
RE: Playstation adapters fix request
Playstation adapters fix request
Related to this post (locked now for some reason) - https://forum.recalbox.com/topic/19820/ps1-dualshock-controlle?_=1608352735895
I have found the answer. It is a Sony driver issue. How do we get this update included?
Sometime around the 4.10 Linux kernel, the hid-sony.ko driver was updated and broke some USB Playstation adapters. Kernel v5.6.17 and up appear to fix it.
Relevant links:
The fix - https://lkml.org/lkml/2020/5/13/1323
Discussion and workarounds - https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-games-33/playstation2-controller-with-usb-adapter-need-help-getting-additional-buttons-to-work-4175643583/
v5.6.17 Linux kernel fix - https://elixir.bootlin.com/linux/v5.6.17/source/drivers/hid/hid-sony.c -
RE: PS1 DualShock controlle
There's an Amazon link for it in my first post.
RE: PS1 DualShock controlle
This is a USB adapter (not bluetooth). Does the setting apply to USB?
Here is the support file from 6.1.1:
https://www66.zippyshare.com/v/HkKSvvki/file.htmlI can't complete the 'configure gamepad' process because the X, O and Square buttons do not register button-presses.
RE: PS1 DualShock controlle
Thank you for the reply.
The PS1 controller works in the old version (4.x) . Some PS1 controller buttons do not work in the latest version (6.1.1). To few buttons are detected, as seen in the sdl2-jstest output.
I tried your suggestion in 6.1.1, and see that both 6.1.1 and 4.0.0-beta5 are both using:
/recalbox/share/system/recalbox.conf :
controllers.ps3.driver=bluezI tried "official" and "shanwan" in 6.1.1, but it did not help.
RE: PS1 DualShock controlle
The build I've been using which works, is actually [17.12.02] - 2017-12-02 so I'm guessing at least v4.0.0-beta5 - 2017-12-02 work with my adapter.
It looks like "head /recalbox/recalbox.changelog" is the correct command to see the version while /recalbox/recalbox.msg is old/invalid.
RE: PS1 DualShock controlle
I verified stock 4.0.0-beta5 (recalboxOS-4.0.0-beta5.zip) works with my adapter without any modification.
The sdl2-jstest command oddly does not exist in this build though, which I don't understand.
PS1 DualShock controlle
I have the same problem, and a few more details, when trying to get a PS1 DualShock controller working with a USB adapter.
All (buttons and thumbsticks) work correctly in:
-recalbox v4.0.0-beta5X, O and Square buttons do not register:
-recalbox 6.1.1 Dragonblaze
-Retropie xxxx..meaning, the "Configuring" dialogue in the recalbox menu can't be completed because the SNES equivalents, A, B and Y don't register button presses.
The sdl2-jstest output shows only 14 (0-13) button codes, but there should be 3 more:
recalbox 6.1.1 output:
sdl2-jstest -l
Found 1 joystick(s)Joystick Name: 'Sony PLAYSTATION(R)3 Controller'
Joystick Path: '/dev/input/event1'
Joystick GUID: 030000004c0500006802000011810000
Joystick Number: 0
Number of Axes: 6
Number of Buttons: 13
Number of Hats: 0
Number of B***s: 0
Name: 'PS3 Controller'
Mapping: '030000004c0500006802000011810000,PS3 Controller,a:b0,b:b1,back:b8,dpdown:b14,dpleft:b15,dpright:b16,dpup:b13,guide:b10,leftshoulder:b4,leftstick:b11,lefttrigger:a2,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightshoulder:b5,rightstick:b12,righttrigger:a5,rightx:a3,righty:a4,start:b9,x:b3,y:b2,'
Axis code 0: 0
Axis code 1: 1
Axis code 2: 2
Axis code 3: 3
Axis code 4: 4
Axis code 5: 5
Button code 0: 307
Button code 1: 310
Button code 2: 311
Button code 3: 312
Button code 4: 313
Button code 5: 314
Button code 6: 315
Button code 7: 317
Button code 8: 318
Button code 9: 544
Button code 10: 545
Button code 11: 546
Button code 12: 547And when I run "sdl2-jstest -t 0", the three mentioned buttons do show any input when pressed but if I press another button like the right trigger, I see this message:
"INFO: The key you just pressed is not recognized by SDL. To help get this fixed, please report this to the SDL forums/mailing list https://discourse.libsdl.org/ EVDEV KeyCode 313"
Compare to recalbox v4 output:
sdl2-jstest -l
Found 1 joystick(s)Joystick Name: 'Sony PLAYSTATION(R)3 Controller'
Joystick Path: '/dev/input/event0'
Joystick GUID: 030000004c0500006802000011010000
Joystick Number: 0
Number of Axes: 4
Number of Buttons: 19
Number of Hats: 0
Number of B***s: 0
Name: 'PS3 Controller'
Mapping: '030000004c0500006802000011010000,PS3 Controller,a:b14,b:b13,back:b0,dpdown:b6,dpleft:b7,dpright:b5,dpup:b4,guide:b16,leftshoulder:b10,leftstick:b1,lefttrigger:b8,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightshoulder:b11,rightstick:b2,righttrigger:b9,rightx:a2,righty:a3,start:b3,x:b15,y:b12,'
Axis code 0: 0
Axis code 1: 1
Axis code 2: 2
Axis code 3: 5
Button code 0: 288
Button code 1: 289
Button code 2: 290
Button code 3: 291
Button code 4: 292
Button code 5: 293
Button code 6: 294
Button code 7: 295
Button code 8: 296
Button code 9: 297
Button code 10: 298
Button code 11: 299
Button code 12: 300
Button code 13: 301
Button code 14: 302
Button code 15: 303
Button code 16: 704
Button code 17: 705
Button code 18: 706Both the number of axis and buttons differ, but all the PS1 buttons map to something. I don't understand why any PS[1,2,3] (even non dual shock) gamepad would ever have less than 14 total buttons.
The recalbox version I've been using came from a pre-built image:
head /recalbox/recalbox.msg
v4.0.0-beta5- Updated libretro mame 2003 core. Fixes the ratio issue in mame.
- Improved pads and gpio support for moonlight
- Change location of PM2_HOME to fix a bug with API daemon
- Disable printer sharing to reduce log output
- Prevent MacOS from adding its .DS_store
Is there something I can identify in this v4 build that I can roll into v6 will regain the working behavior?
Is there a known procedure I'm missing to utilize a PS1 DS controller in recalbox 6?This is the adapter I'm using:
Mcbazel PlayStation 2 Controller to USB Adapter for PC or Playstation 3 Converter Cable for Sony DualShock PS2 PS3 Controllers (NOT compatible with Dancing Mat Guitar Hero) - https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B000NJBD90/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1