Hello all! I'm new here, discovering Recalbox and it's community. What a project! I'm amazed.
I didn't find any subject on this particular hardware so I create a new post.
I was wondering if it is possible to use Geekworm X735 Power/Safe shutdown/PWM Fan Hat with Recalbox. I have one and find it really convenient for installing in a mini arcade I have built.
To my understanding it is not possible to install the package needed for it to fully work as intended, but my knowledge is really limited linux/terminal wise. I tried to start the installation but I was stopped rapidly.
So far what I understood is that Recalbox is a tailor made Linux without the needed libraries or dependencies used in the install of the software for the X735.
But maybe I am short sighted here. I'll be happy if someone with the knowledge could maybe tell me if they might be a way or not at all.
The main idea is to manage to use at minimum the X735 safe shutdown function, PWM fan would be nice but not mandatory.
Here is the installation process wiki of the X735
Thanks in advance for your help!