said in Is it possible to run dual GBA?:
emulator in dual mode
Can you please share what did you find to pay GB in dual mode?
said in Is it possible to run dual GBA?:
emulator in dual mode
Can you please share what did you find to pay GB in dual mode?
@ironic a friend of mine made an awesome ahk program to move all needed files to launch .uae whdolad files.
I want to use a 4" vertical display and pifba is the best performance emulator for neogeo.
But I have a problem when I set the option "RotateScreen=1" loading screen is perfectly strectched to full screen but ingame is showing 4:3 and only on 30% of total screen.
This is my setup:
Is there any alternativa to the gameboy2.glslp shader?
Looks amazing but all games runs slowly and with soun glitches.
I,m on recalbox 4.0.1 and rpi3.
@ironic Here is my openmsx config for recalbox.
2 . This libraries are needed to launch the emulator.
Put them on /usr/lib
Launch the emulator with ./openmsx
After first launch go to /recalbox/share/system/.openMSX/
Put all this files inside the folder:
Create a folder on /recalbox/share/roms/msx inside it you have to put your Msx roms
Finally edit the file /recalbox/share_init/system/.emulationstation/es_systems.cfg
Adding this lines:
<fullname>MSX OpenMsx</fullname>
<extension>.mx1 .MX1 .mx2 .MX2.rom .ROM</extension>
<command>/recalbox/scripts/ 4 "/usr/emulators/openmsx/bin/openmsx %ROM%"</command>
P.D. Maybe you need chmod 0755 -R to all files and folders and chmod +x to openmsx binary file.
I´m using the same folder for two diferent emulators.
I renamed the two files and manually added them to my gamelist.xml
Thanks @ironic i´ll keep trying.
P.D: I´ve get openmsx to run on recalbox , I´ll share my config if anyone is interested.
I've made a mistake and hide a few roms from the emulationstation menu.
How can i unhide them?
@ironic thanks for your help.
My gamepad is working fine but i have a question about how to exit the emulator.
I don't know exactly what i do but now i can exit directly to emulationstation when i hit F12
Maybe a new implementation?
I've changed the default uae4arm bin for the lastest version.
Works with whdload and adf games.
Is there any option to exit ua4arm by hitting a gamepad button or a combination?
I want to play with the gamepad only.
@ironic what type of files are exactly those?
How can i use them?
Finally its working , thank you for your help.
I share my config:
<command>/recalbox/scripts/ %ROM% "vectrex"</command>
if [[ "$emulator" == "vectrex" ]]; then
/recalbox/scripts/ 4 "$retroarchbin -L $retroarchcores/ --config /recalbox/share/system/.config/retroarch/config/vecx_libretro.cfg --appendconfig /recalbox/share/overlays/vectrex/$filenameNoExt.cfg "$1""
Well i`ve used my old rpi1 emulationstation config to launch vectrex but is not working
<command>/recalbox/scripts/ 4 "/usr/bin/retroarch -L /usr/lib/libretro/ --config /recalbox/share/system/.config/retroarch/config/vecx_libretro.cfg %ROM%"</command>
Is the syntaxis correct or the problem is the "vecx_libretro.cfg" file?
I´ve tried to launch a game from the shell and its not loading the core , but it seams to load the config file
Any suggestion?Thanks for your help
sorry for another replay , could you say me how i do that?
Well ill be waiting for next version. What
s the latest version using
OK , now is working.Thanks.
But i have a new problem.
I saw this awesome tutorial:
Adding this line on
"/recalbox/scripts/ 4 "$retroarchbin -L $retroarchcores/ --config /recalbox/configs/retroarch/vectrex.cfg --appendconfig /recalbox/share/overlays/vectrex/$filenameNoExt.cfg "$1""
It`s posible to add a specific overlay for each vectrex game.
How can i do this with the new setup of recalbox?
I want to set-up one diferent overlay per core.
I´ve changed this line on ""
if [[ "$emulator" == "atari2600" ]]; then
/recalbox/scripts/ 4 "$retroarchbin -L $retroarchcores/ --config /recalbox/share/system/.config/retroarch/config/stella_libretro.cfg "$1""
To load my custom settings on the file "stella_libretro.cfg" but retroarch still always loading the default "retroarchcustom.cfg" located at "/recalbox/share/system/configs/retroarch/"
Someone can explain me how to set-up custom specific per-core settings?
Thanks another time , i`ll be waintig for new releases.
It really colud be awsome use a gamepad like on uae4all to play whdload games on our rpi.
Well finally its working , thank you so much for your help.
Only one last question , i´m having problems to set up custom keys for playing the games.
Is there any tutorial or anything like that for this?