hi~ Blocker, I am planning to buy a pi 3 too. Is it really faster and better performance than pi 2? Or pi2 is enough to run these games? In case pi2 is too slow to run 'baseball ninja'. thanks a lot.
Posts made by kenwong
RE: [SOLVED]Migrate from RPi2 to RPi3
RE: MAME Force close in 4.0.0
and only affect this game and not others. sad
RE: MAME Force close in 4.0.0
haha~ sorry I miss understand, however, I just feel wired this game will force quit after press "ok" but completely no problem in 3.3.0 b17 .
RE: MAME Force close in 4.0.0
Hi Voljega~ thanks for your help, I tried and still doesn't work. and if i change nxxxxx.zip to nxxxxx.ZIP . I can't run any game~.
MAME Force close in 4.0.0
hello guys, I tried recalbox 4.0.0 (before that I played 3.3.0 b17) and I find that <DUNGEON MAGIC ver 2.10> will force quit after I press <left,right> to start. However I can run this game in 3.3.0 b17 with no same issue. what's the problem? Thanks a lot.
RE: FBA Libretro
your zip file must be the "right" one. did you check md5?
Tengai.zip problem
Sorry guys, in my test, I can run almost all FBA games on my recalbox, however, tengai.zip cannot run successfully. whats' the problem? btw. anyone can run King of Dynast Gear? I do miss this game. Thank a lot.
RE: Anyone can run kov or oriental legend??
haha~ Thank you dude. <span style="color: #aaaaaa; font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif; font-size: 11px;"> </span>Voljega<span style="color: #aaaaaa; font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif;"><span style="font-size: 11px;"> .</span></span>Is you again I did upgrade to 3.3.17, but I typed to 3.3.11... thank for your patiently answer.
Anyone can run kov or oriental legend??
I am running 3.3.11... and almost all game can run success . now only all Kov series and oriental legend series can't run. anyone success??
RE: About neogeo.zip( problem solved)
Thank a lot Voljega. I don't know should or should not to ask this question.... Is there any hints or tips for me to find this "Important file"??
About neogeo.zip( problem solved)
Sorry guys..I tried for few weeks...I have right neogeo.zip for MAME, and put it in MAME file. It can let me run some games perfectly. And I also have Neogeo.zip  6b34ff0f2947bee144856710de000d63 In FBA File. I can run some game perfectly also. However, I can't run some game like"zero team" and "kov.zip" and etc... Is the NeoGeo Bios : 798e5538be8b6557e7c4529f52d2938c neogeo.zip "must be" this file?? because I do can't find or "buy" this Bios ...Is there any other ways to run FBA GAME perfectly ?? sorry for my bad Eng and hope someone help me. /  \
thank you dude, the game is on the list of MAME, but i can't start game the GAME named 'shock troopers'.
hello guys, i had installed recall box and put "some" bios in, its work for some MAME games like "The simpsons". then i had tried some other games. It is not working, and noted me to press "ok" in a menu. whats the problem?? thx a lot.
oh..i put it in MAME. should I create a new pose or change topic name?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YxbRFGTlyko This one. anyone tried it work?
Btws. <b style="color: #4b4c4a; font-family: 宋体; font-size: 14px; line-height: 21px;">J. J. Squawkers dont work after I add above bios, is it normal?</b>
thank you a log. so... above list of bios are enough or can I add more if i find others? is it useful?
I have tried to run all GBA games and additional added one .gba file. all 9 games cannot run. what's the problem? is that support GBA games??